Insurance coverage varies dramatically from none to full coverage for IF treatment (although full coverage is rare).
United States
US Insurance
It’s probably best to call your insurance company before you even have your consult with a RE. Some insurance companies will make you register with their IF dept. You want to find out what type of IF coverage you have. You could have full, partial, diagnostic only coverage and some ladies will find out they have no IF coverage at all. Ask if any fertility medicines are covered, a lot of fertility medicines may not be covered and you will have to pay out of pocket (OOP).
It’s good to know this information before talking about treatments so you can plan accordingly with your RE. Knowing ahead of time is best! You don’t want to go to the RE and have a surprise bill because you weren’t aware of what was covered. Good Luck!
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IF Treatment in Canada
In Western Canada the population is lower, so there are fewer clinics and they are fairly spread out.
In Alberta it takes anywhere from 4 - 10 months to get in to see an R.E., so infertility patients are generally referred to an obgyn first.
Unfortunately, in Alberta it is common-practice for the first course of action (depending on diagnosis) to be 3 cycles of Clomid (unmonitored) with an obgyn. Although this doesn't mean it's mandatory (you can wait to see an R.E. to start Clomid), most R.E.s will have you do 3 months of Clomid (unmonitored) to begin.
The Health Care coverage in each Province is different. Some cover treatment/IUI/IVF, some don't. Some only cover treatment for Public Sector employees, while others only cover if you have a diagnosis of bi-laterally blocked fallopian tubes. In Alberta, none of it is covered (unless you have group benefits through your employer, which is rare.).
Fertility treatments in Canada are income tax deductible (so keep your receipts!!!!).
These are really the only differences I've come across, and I don't particularly like the idea of putting it out there that it is common-practice to prescribe Clomid unmonitored. I think a lot of people will see this and think "If they do it in Alberta, it must be OK.". NOT! We are just so underfunded in our Province that they have no choice. In other Provinces they have proper monitoring and better private funding for ART.
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